The AQ Expert from E Instruments International, Langhorne, Pa, includes up to 11 parameters that can be customized to the user’s needs. Featuring real-time data logging, the air quality monitor can measure air velocity, barometric air pressure, CO, CO2, formaldehyde, H2S, NO/NOx, NO2, O2, O3, relative humidity, SO2, temperature, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Designed and made in the United States, the unit features PC software, wireless Bluetooth technology, and optional wireless printing, and includes a Li-ion rechargeable battery, dual-temperature test-clock (TcK) inputs, a swivel handle, an active internal sampling pump, and an optional handheld probe. According to the company, the monitor is lightweight, durable, and is equipped with a large internal memory. For more information, contact E Instruments International.